Travel Blog

  • Pleasure tripping

    2/11/2021 1:28:52 PM Link |  | Add comment

    Before you can start blogging you need to create a blog page if one has not been already created in your account. Check the pages in your site map to see if you already have a blog page. If you do you can skip to Step 2.

    Step 1: Creating a Blog

    The Levelfield Log is simply an object that can be added to any page using the Content Box function. You can add it to any existing page or create a new page to add the blog to. Click on the Body section and then in the upper right corner click the convent button to create the content box.

  • Twitter

    2/11/2021 1:28:52 PM Link |  | Add comment

    Look for OnlineAgency on Twitter. Check us out at

  • Keywords

    2/11/2021 1:28:52 PM Link |  | Add comment

    Keywords are what users type when they are looking for a specific topic while using a Search Engine. Selecting the right keywords is critical to the success of your Search Engine optimization process. Your keywords should be closely related to your site and the products and service your Travel Agency offers. Keywords can consist of a single word or a combination of words. We recommend only going after 2 keywords per page for best results.

    Before you begin optimizing your site for keywords, it is very important to determine which set of keywords you want to focus on. For instance, there are approximately 13,000 people a day searching for "cruises" but there are also more than 2 million pages competing for that term, so it's very unlikely that you'll ever be in the top ten pages listed in a search result.  On the other hand, there are 51 people searching for "all inclusive wedding cruises" a day and 0 pages competing for that specific keyword.  Not nearly as many searches are executed for that keyword, but there is a much greater likelihood that you'll be in the top 10 and thus get traffic - 50 people is better than 0.

    Even though Travel is such a competitive field, it is also one of the most keyword-rich since there are so many people searching for it every day. When choosing your keywords, make a list of specialties, suppliers, destinations, activities, etc. Even ship names for the larger cruise lines are great keywords. The trick to building your keyword set is to find keywords that are searched on enough (25+ a day) to make it worth the optimization effort and unique enough that you can be successful. You also have to have a corresponding page on your site for your keywords. (For example: If you have chosen “Carnival Conquest” as a keyword, you wouldn’t want to optimize your homepage only for the Carnival Conquest unless your entire homepage is dedicated to the Conquest. Instead, make sure you have an actual page for the Carnival Conquest and optimize it against keywords related to that ship and that cruise line.)

Online Agency Travel Websites